
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Shorts Shots On: Super Bowl Winner, Curse of Billy Goat & Tebow's Challenge

Here it is only about a month after the Super Bowl and, for me, the short-lived glow of a very good game has been long gone. It really jarred me when I was on the website (one of my favorite sports news/features sites) and I saw their promo ad for all of the Super Bowl winning team souvenir stuff they pedal if you sign-up for a new magazine subscription. You know, the team’s Super Bowl DVD, a painted up football, and the commemorative hardbound book. I did a double-take because it was all New Orleans Saints.

Then, after taking brief pause it occurred to me that, yes, it was the Saints who toppled the Indianapolis Colts and brought the Vince Lombardi Trophy home to their beloved “Crescent City.” (I like that moniker a lot better than “the Big Easy”…something just a little disturbing about that term)

The Saints had a great year, no question. But aside from the loyal fans down on the bayou, once the Super Bowl was over their flame on a national level went from blazing, to flicker, to out in a hurry. It’s no one’s fault. Coach Sean Payton, Drew Brees and everyone tied to the Saints are to be given every accolade we can bestow on them. The fact that the Saints were not so long ago the “Aints” should make their story one for the ages. It was just that in December, January and early February. Now, for whatever reason, I had to be reminded that they actually reached the summit that every NFL employee strives to achieve. Sorry, Saints. I still applaud you. Great season—great job.

Baseball spring training camps are in full swing. OK Chicago Cubs fans, this is your year! I have been hearing that for about 50 years, less than half of the total years since your last World Series title which was over a century ago in 1908. How about last World Series appearance? 1945, you say? Correct.

*In Game 4 of the 1945 Series, the “Curse of the Billy Goat” was allegedly laid upon the Cubs when owner P.K. Wrigley ejected Billy Sianis, who had come to Game 4 with two box seat tickets, one for him and one for his goat. They paraded around for a few innings, but Wrigley demanded the goat leave the park due to its unpleasant odor. Upon his ejection, Mr. Sianis uttered, "The Cubs, they ain't gonna win no more." The Cubs lost Game 4, lost the Series, and have not been back since. (*Thanks to Wikipedia).

As QB at the University of Florida, Tim Tebow led his Gators to unparalleled success in his four years at the helm. He accounted for 88 touchdowns, threw only 16 career interceptions and completed 66% of his passes. He earned a Heisman Trophy as a sophomore and the led the Gators to their 2008 national championship.

Now he is facing incredible scrutiny by the NFL personnel offices as they evaluate his once less-than classic throwing motion, and even more his commitment to re-make his motion with the help of many recognized former NFL coaches. Every coach with whom Tebow has worked to develop a more consistent, quicker, efficient delivery has remarked how greatly impressed they are by Tebow’s passion, coach-ability, work ethic, and willingness to do whatever it takes to improve. Just as the former Gator signal-caller provided the intangibles for him and his teammates to raise their individual and collective performances, the ex-pro coaches all believe Tebow will overcome this new challenge, too. For an ultimate competitor like Tebow, who also possesses a great deal of natural athletic ability, telling him he can’t do something, or can’t be something is all he needs to step up, meet and defeat the challenge.

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